The reason behind the entry-title can be found here hahahah - gotta love it!







Haha I had to put that cartoon bubble there x'D But hey, aren't they adorable?!

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Sigma 24mm f/2.8

I love cats, more than anything in this world [well at least after Lucas and to photograph!] and I'm almost crying over the fact that I can't have one [mum is highly allergic + she hates them...] in quite some time to come.


En of the cats at Lucas place, Sotis, recently had kittens. Seven of them actually, bot unfortunately only two lived. This is one of them [we think it's a girl] and she's soo cuutee.
I'm in love!
I want... Soon they'll probably open their eyes! :D

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I see the sea [and some rocks]

Sigma 24mm f/2.8

We went on a outing today. First there was some shopping in cosy interiour design-shops [I bought a nice lantern and two lovely cups!]. Then we strolled through the harbour-area and looked at beautiful houses - there were a few of em'! I ran away from them for a while fo photograph the ocean again :3


I liked it there, were really dark stones [almost black] that looked nice against the bright sky and reflection in the water, too bad though that there were pretty big clouds. Booring texture on the sky, or how I should put it. But at least the sun fought to shine through a little!

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Sigma 70-300mm f/4.0-5.6

It was rather hot today, so it was time to have a day at the beach. The sea looked inviting but I read in my new book the entire time. The dog Odin really appreciated to bathe and play in the water though :)

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Sigma 24mm f/2.8

Took a trip to some relatives, and been spending some time at their place. Moyen, my mum's cousin have a lovely garden and such a cosy greenhouse - so I ran around there with my camera. This picture represents being home at their place; cosy decorations, vegatation and harmonic scents everywhere - as well as candles and lanters. The perfect place to get lost in a dream. [Either with your own imagination or with a book, sitting in a chair somewhere in the garden]


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In to the Wild

Besides the fact that I want to create stuff, I want to move around. Travel, make trips, get out in the nature, go for walks [barefoot!], dance in the rain etc. hah. I saw the movie In to the Wild yesterday, and it was so darn good and really moved me. I think I feel inspired and motivated by it, perhaps. See it!
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Make your pictures look old

Photographer Zhang Jingna wrote in her blog and tiped off this online-app to give your pictures an old/vintage look :3

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Rain rain go away


It's really bad weather today, in Halmstad [near the coast], very windy and lots of rain pouring down. So I felt it was time to use my new, cosy sweater and also the awsome hat that I bought at the festival. I do look a bit like a hippie though.. hah!

In the background you can see my mum's cousin Moyen, as she's cleaning up some poop while the guilty pup Ajax is watching, hihi :3


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My blood's boiling

I want to photograph, edit, draw, write... create! Something. Anything. Ooh.
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A bit of traveling

Sigma 24mm f/2.8


Got up early, packed my stuff and then it was time for a trip in the car to another city, gonna spend some time with relatives. So a sort of egocentric picture in the car will be the picture of the day. I have more red/brown hair now btw. It does not show too good here though.

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Nikkor 50mm f/2.8

A friend of mine has a boyfriend in the band ZIKK - and I photographed them yesterday, they wanted pictures for an upcoming album and so on. Not done with all pics yet but this is one of them :)
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DKNY x 4

Sigma 24mm f/2.8 + a piece of glass, white paper and my reflector-screen

My mum arrived home from Greece yesterday, and amongst the stuff I got where these perfumes from DKNY. I have a big bottle of the purple now, and I've had the red one before. Nice to test the other two! And they are so small and cute :3 Love em'! So I felt the time had come for some product-photography, was quite a while ago.


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True Words

unknown source

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Everything works here now, at least for me :D How is it for you guys?
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My blog is a mess at the moment. Don't know when I'll get it fixed. Follow me on twitter for pic-updates
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A picture Evelina took of me, using my camera, during the festival


Went up at eight this morning, and went out for a run. The rain was pouring down but it felt quite nice. I did not runt for long though, cause I was soon soaking wet and also I am not in the best shape haha - but I'll make sure to change that!


Then I took a warm shower, and after that helped my mother with the laundry. Now I'm having coffé and continuing with the backup of my computer.

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A good time with nice food and lovely friends

Sigma 24mm f/2.8

Had a lovely evening tonight, making and eating good food with my friends. Fantastic!

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A fan?! <3

Sigma 24mm f/2.8


We watched Regina Spektor in the sunset with a light rain falling and a girl made soap-bubbles fly all over the crowd - it was a very beautiful yet sad concert. I saw this girl infront of me and I thought she was real pretty and I felt I wanted to photograph her, so I took a sneak-pic tih.


Then, as they turn around to leave, she asked me if I wasn't like a famous blogger and I was like "eeh.. noo?" and she was like "But, like raniaphoto.. or something?" And I said "well yeah, that's me." And she explained that she reads my blog, thinks it's good and that I take good pictures. She totually made my day <3 She made me so happy :D

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I just realized I've taken 65 [okay I missed two] pictured, and thus I "only" have 300 to go on my 365-project.

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Sigma 24mm f/2.8

Because it's all the little things, details, smiles, sunshine and colors  - a flower above the stove in an otherwise white and empty kitchen - that makes life worth living.


Becase everything feels bright, happy and good right now. It's summer, mostly good weather, I have the most amzing boyfriend every, amazing friends - both old and new ones. My photography is mostly going well, I develop/move forward [the right direction!]. Soon I'm off to a festival, my first one ever and it will be so much fun and exciting!

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I complained to my boyfriend about being bored, and he asked "well, what do you want to do?" and I came with an answer, and came up with some more in my head. I got the reply "but.. you can't do that". Haha poor guy, but he asked what I wanted to do, not what's possible ;) So, I'm drinking coffé..

Yet I've been sitting for a while and edited Emmie in one of the pictures I took of her, into a vampire just because I was bored, but now what?

This is before

and this is after

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The one who waits for a bridal-couple...

... sometimes find some goodies amongst the flora and fauna.




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Sigma 24mm f/2.8

Another picture of Emmie from our shoot, that I really like.
Check it out here on flickr for better quality and bigger format.

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Little driver

Sigma 70-300 f/4.0-5.6

Worked during a wedding-photoshoot today again. We were by a really lovely place, it was beautiful weather [very hot though!] and everything went well. I did not photograph much though, since my primary job is to carry the equipment, help to setup/reconnoiter, hold the reflector and stuff like that. I was named "reflectormaister"


This is a snapshot of the couple's daughter th at, due to the heat and clothes [she was not allowed to play!] was in a bad mood and did not want to join in any pictures. This was when we were done and about to leave, I guess she planned to drive back ;)


Kinda grainy cause it was a bit dark in the car and I had to be fast before she moved, so no time to check the settings. It got dark and I had to lighten it alot afterwards. I do think, however, that the grainyness [is that even a word?!] kinda fits for this picture, it's charming - but I guess that's just me?

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shoot with Emmie

Sigma 24mm f/2.8

Model: Emmie Roos
Makeup/styling: Emmie with some hints/help from me


Emmie, both a beautiful model and a very good friend - who I had a photoshoot with today. Despite it being windy, cold and raining, and with a reflector blowing away and her having to change close in/by a car it all went well and we had a blast! Alot of pictures turned out really well, thanks for letting me photograph you <3


Styling etc. went really well. I told her what kind of ideas I had, and from that she choose clothes from her closet. Some stuff I knew she owned, I asked her to bring. I told her kind of how I wanted her makeup to be, what facet and so on and she got started. During the process of makeup she came to ask me what I thought of it, if she should add or change anything. We really worked together as a team!



A lot of thing fell into place for me today. I'm not used to this kind of style in photography, and I've not been very good at guiding my model. But all went really really well; I found different places on the set to shoot at, talked with Emmie about how she should stand, sit, walk, move her head, pose.. think about her posture and various things like that. Talking to a model, experienced or not, is very important. You bond and she looses up infront of the camera - and it's very beneficial for the photographer to have some ideas about how a model can/should move etc. I'm gettin' better thanks to all of my photographing myself and learning what angles work or not, and due to the fact that I look a lot at other peoples pictures, read magazines and so on.


It was a wet, cold and smiling Rania that after a few hours could say, with satisfaction in her voice that "it's a wrap!" :D




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New Experiences

Todays photo walks in the steps of news. This was a completely new type of photoshoot for me, as for my friend; to pose/being photographed looking like this. All of this is new to her and she has a new life a head of her [and inside her] - something we both wanted to eternalize on picture.

I will photograph her again when she's gotten bigger, and also once the little lives that's inside are born :3

Sigma 24mm f/2.8, model; Sofia

We were very creative and had many various ideas that we put into action, and to choose a picture to show you was hard! You will see some more pictures from the shoot later, though not too many out of respect for Sofia and David [the father].

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Dark hair fall, catch in the wind~~

Nikkor AF 50mm f/1.8 + tripod and remote


I like my hair :D It's starting to grow long and it's very healthy now since I no longer color it, use a straightener or hairspray and stuff like that. I also use a very good shampo and conditioner these days :3 I just want it to grow even longer and for the black color to grow away, so that all my hair is brown [as you can see, it's a lot darker at the ends]

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If you're bored...

... why not play around in Photoshop? I want to be able to do extreme photomanipulations though. I sat with this for a while but I am not content :/ Maybe I should take a course in photoshop/picture editing? Worth considering...


"I still dream every night
Of them wolves, them mustangs, those endless prairies
The restless winds over mountaintops
The unspoilt frontier of my kith n`kin
The hallowed land of the Great Spirit
I still believe
In every night
In every day
I am like the caribou
And you like the wolves that make me stronger
We never owed you anything
Our only debt is one life for our Mother
It was a good day to chant this song
For Her

Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end""
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Wedding detail

Sigma 70-300 f/4.0-5.6


Today there was a wedding on the schedule, since I part-time work as a assistant for a weddingphotographer. It was extremely hot, not much time and a tv-team on the set [it's gonna be on television in sweden..] - but other than that things went fine. Due to the nice weather, I were mostly in charge of the reflector/screen but I had the time to shoot a little too :3


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It's a nice day for a white wedding..

.. and a very hot day. Oh my god! I part-time work as a assistant for a photographer when he shoots weddings - and today it's time for a nother one. It's 30degrees in the shadow and a frying sun, will be hot and exciting but I hope all will go well anyways.

My equipment is looked over and cleaned, the battery charged and my crumpler-bag is loaded. A bit extra nervous today though cause a filmteam from a tv-channel here in sweden will be there filming everything. They are doing a show on weddings which will be broadcasted on television after the summer. So maybe I'll be on tv haha!

It is by the way out of respect to both the couple and the fotographer I work for, that you have not seen any pictures from the last wedding I worked at. But here's a teaser;


Sigma 70-300 f/4.0-5.6

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Sigma 24mm f/2.8


My lovely Emmie is finually home in Sweden again -  for good [or at least for a while, one can never know for sure about her ;)], and it's wonderful! So she came to my place and we had a good time, drank some wine etc. Then  me met up with my boyfriend and a nice bunch of people and sat in a parc, then we went out dancing and so on :)

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Some flowers...

...and a butterfly.

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Sigma 24mm f/2.8 + tripod and remote


A tribute to a festival called Hulstfred that smashed yesterday. The people I was going with planned to have a cowboy/indian-theme on our camp and this was my outfit. Now we're going to another festival so the indian-girl within will go there and make it unsafe instead ;)

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Strike a pose

I took some new selfportraits yesterday, among those some in my indian-outfit that I will were on a festival - our camp will have a indian/cowboy theme :3

It becomes A Lot of pictues. Has to check that the light is good, adjust shutterspeed, aperture and such - than take a few new pictures to see if the new values were good. Check focus, composition and all that, take new pictures again. Adjust hair, clothes and such and take more pictures. Try different poses.. and as you can see a lot of posing is being done - haha!

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