No place but home - but back to stress!
Sigma 24mm f/2.8 + tripod and remote
I am home again, but struggling with all my pics I had in the camera - they are a few and it takes time. I do not like that I am so behind with posting/uploading/showing my 365-pics. But there are so many things going on around me as well. My grandma is here now so we are doing a lot of things with her for example, and also I'm taking new pictures every day. I feel like I will never catch up to myself.
So it will be non-picture-posts here for a while longer, while I keep on struggling haha!
I also think I've missed one day of my 365... :(
Above is by the way a picture I took at the same time as this.
I have to get ready now though - we're gonna go shopping! [see, always happening things...]
"No copying or using of my pics without my permisson!"